On behalf of all the staff, I would like to welcome you to our school website. It is
designed to help you learn more about our school and is full of information that
parents and carers will need to know.
At Riverside, we believe that young children learn best when they are stimulated by
an exciting and challenging curriculum which motivates them to learn. We actively
encourage children to be inquisitive about the world around them and we celebrate
every child’s success.
Our aim is to create a lifelong love of learning in every child.
We have high expectations of all our children and lessons are planned according to
the variety of levels of need and challenge within each class. Teachers use a range
of teaching styles to ensure all children are actively involved in lessons. For more
information about how we teach and learn, please visit the curriculum section on our website.
As a school, we greatly value the views of the school community and provide
opportunities for both children and parents to contribute their ideas throughout the
year. Please do visit Ofsted’s parentview website at
Regular parent drop-ins and meetings are held to keep you fully informed about the school and its
development, but please do contact me if you have a query.
Meetings for prospective parents who would like to learn more about our school are
held by appointment. Please contact the school office if you would like a tour of the school.
Thank you for looking at our website. We hope you find the information useful.
Please do let us know if we can improve communications further.
Many thanks,
Nick Styles
Head Teacher
Our opening hours are:
Monday -Friday
EYFS and Key Stage 1: 08:55 - 15:20 ( including 1hr & 15 minutes for break and lunchtimes)
Key Stage 2: 08:55 - 15:25 (including 1hr & 15 minutes for break and lunchtimes)
during term times
For more information regarding our school, contact Nick Styles, Headteacher via : schooloffice@rs.starmat.uk