We want ALL pupils at Riverside to feel happy and settled and make the very best progress possible.
For many pupils, this is about good classroom differentiation.
For some, they require carefully planned and individualised provision, which may include small group interventions and at times one-to-one coaching and support.
Helping to make this happen is Mrs Deakin's responsibility.
Children who have a Special Educational Need
There are 4 areas of need according to the 2014 Code of Practice:
- Cognition and Learning
- Social, Mental and Emotional health
- Communication and Interaction
- Sensory and/or Physical Needs
Children who have a Special Educational needs may present as having one or more of the above areas of need as outlined by the Code of Practice.
Children are assessed regularly to ensure that they are making the expected progress. Some children may need extra help and support, the class teacher is usually the first person to notice that the child needs this extra help. If this is the case then they will ask for a meeting with Mrs Deakin to discuss strategies. If these strategies are not working and the child is becoming significantly behind their peers in any area then a discussion with parents/carers about the possibility of putting the child on the SEN register will take place.
Once a discussion has taken place, a final decision will be made by parents/carers, the class teacher and Mrs Deakin regarding the next appropriate steps.
Provision and resources
Lessons are differentiated for all learners, including those with SEND, in order for them to access the learning at their level and make progress. Your child will also receive an Individual Provision Map. The school has access to a wide range of professionals and outside agencies that we can contact for further support and advice. If we feel that outside agency input would benefit your child then we will have a meeting in school to discuss this with you.
Mrs Deakin is able to facilitate a lot of extra contacts to help your child:
- Healthy Child Team (previously School nurse)
- Health Visitors
- Speech and language therapists
- Educational Psychologists
- Specialist advice and support from 'outreach services
- Social, Emotional and Mental health support
- Communication and Interaction difficulties
- Physical and personal care support
- Specialist teachers for hearing and visually impaired children
- Specific learning difficulties including dyslexia support
Individual provision maps (IPMs)
If your child has specific SEND provision, you will receive an Individual Provision Map. This states the targets we will be working on with your child over the next term. It also outlines the provision they receive in school to help them make progress.
We require parents/carers to sign and return the IPM to their child's class teacher. It will then be copied and returned back to you so we both have a copy. If you are unsure of what something means within the IPM please speak to your child's class teacher, they will be more than happy to go through the IPM with you.
If you have any queries about this or do not receive an IPM, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Deakin, Inclusion Manager
What is an Individual Provision Map?
* New version being updated *
Our SEND information report and policy:
Our SEND policy can be found in the Policies section of this website.
Local Offer
North Yorkshire County Council have published their local offer for children and families from 0-25. This outlines what is available for children and young people with SEND in our Local Authority.
All schools are required to provide information to parents on how to seek additional support beyond that which is ‘normally available’ for their child.
The main aim of the local offer is to enable families to see readily the support they can expect locally without having to struggle to find the information. If there is any information that you would like to know that is not on the website then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Deakin.
The North Yorkshire local offer can be found at:
Read more about Equalities and Accessibility HERE
SENDIASS North Yorkshire is a service for parents and carers of young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and /or disabilities (SEND) as well as young people themselves. It is impartial, which means it is not bias and gives confidential information, advice and support. They may also be able to put you in touch with other organisations or parent support groups.
Parent Carer Forum for North Yorkshire, supports families with children and young people (0-25 years old) with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).
ADDISS provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance.
The NAS exists to champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and to ensure that they and their families receive quality services appropriate to their needs.
Special Needs Jungle offers parent led information, resources and informed opinion about children and young people 0-25.
The BDA is the voice of dyslexic people. They are working to achieve a dyslexia friendly society for all.
I CAN is the charity that helps children with speech and language difficulties across the UK. The charity works to create a society where their special needs are recognised, understood and met, so that they have the same opportunities in life as other children.
Mencap is the UK's leading learning disability charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.
The Compass Phoenix service aims to improve outcomes for children and young people in relation to their emotional wellbeing and mental health by strengthening the range of mental health support available to children and young people.